CHRISTIAN CONTEMPORARY MUSIC Story: My Trip to Malaysia to see Switchfoot
JON FOREMAN: “ A friend of us flew all the way from a place three hours away by plane and came here tonight…well… maybe not for Switchfoot… I mean he loves Switchfoot no doubt about that…. But not JUST for Switchfoot coz he could have caught us either in Singapore or in Indonesia or maybe in New Zealand… but he chose to be here tonight… it’s because of his friend… he wants to be with her tonight and share with her a night of good music experience.
JON FOREMAN: “ A friend of us flew all the way from a place three hours away by plane and came here tonight…well… maybe not for Switchfoot… I mean he loves Switchfoot no doubt about that…. But not JUST for Switchfoot coz he could have caught us either in Singapore or in Indonesia or maybe in New Zealand… but he chose to be here tonight… it’s because of his friend… he wants to be with her tonight and share with her a night of good music experience.